Note to readers, this is a pretty cool event to come out for a weekend and check out! Mid-September in Reno means high 70F temperatures and clear skys...

Here is a kid who is excited to be awake at 5:30am on a weekend

Zoe mimics the giant smiley face on the top of a yellow balloon

6:30am and everyone's getting ready to lift off

Here you can see how a hot air balloon gets its name

Ting and Zoe enjoy the liftoff

Balloons Balloons everywhere in the sky

My necks not getting tired watching this spectacle!

A giant "Jesus" balloon floats towards the heavens (actually this balloon was a little creepy)

Ting and Zoe get ready for their own balloon ride courtesy of ReMax! Zoe can barely peek over the gondola

Zoe and Ting fly away!