Well... It's been a while... I thought I would try out this Blogging thing again and post up a few picts from Zoe's fifth birthday. We split the party over two weekends. The first weekend was a birthday party with friends while the second weekend was a camping trip with Friends of Nevada Wilderness.

The following weekend we drive out to central Nevada for a group camping trip organized by Friends of Nevada Wilderness. Five other families came along. We drove Route 50 (the loneliest road in America) to Austin, NV. From Austin it was 50+ miles of dirt roads with several stream crossings to get back into the Arc Dome Wilderness.

The aspen grove that we camped in had many arborglyphs carved in from Basque sheepherders who once roamed this area. The higher elevation aspen groves were used to beat the summer heat on the basin floor below. Jean Pierre was here in 1950 and 1951. Notice the fancy script. We found carvings like this dating back to 1924 (including quite a few ancient silhouettes of naked ladies ;-) It must have been lonely in these mountains back then!