Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Holiday Wrap Up

It felt good to go home to Chicago over Christmas. Flying in on Christmas Eve I looked down and followed the street lights of the great diagonal avenues emanating from the Loop - Ogden, Milwaukee, Lincoln, Clark, etc. It all still looked familiar. After touching down at O'Hare I raced from the terminal to the nearest restroom. O'Hare has the most unique toilet seats of any public restroom you'll ever visit (those of you who frequent O'Hare know what I mean). Each seat has a tubular sheet of film that rotates around the seat each time a new bottom appears. It's sort of a slippery sensation like sitting on a plastic shopping bag. I knew I was home!

Ting and I would like to say thanks to all our family and friends that made our visit so enjoyable. Thanks to Karen, Nimmi, and Scott for being great neighbors and hosting a festive Hannamas Party. Thanks to John and Dee for carting us all over town since we didn't have a car. Many thanks to Michelle and Sharon for keeping an eye on Zoe while we moved furniture and cavorted around our old stomping grounds. Thanks to Martin and Lee for filling up our bellies with the food we had been longing for. And finally thanks to Ricky for moving into our place and keeping a watchful eye on our stuff. All of you truly made our holiday real. We appreciate that!

Now most of you know that I had to head back to work while Ting and Zoe stayed in Chicago over the week between Christmas and New Years off. On Thursday the snow started falling in Reno. It didn't stop until New Years day afternoon, leaving a good 2 feet of snow in the valley and 6 feet in the mountains. This gave me the perfect chance to try some snowshoeing in the foothills above Reno. Enjoy!

Virgin Snow at the top of the Tom Cooke Mountain Bike Trails

My co-worker Andy Szeto surveying our options

A riverbed of powder

A backcountry snowboarder tests the powder

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