Now I titled this Blog "Wild Nevada" and I think that's exactly what Dad and Wilma experienced. Friday night we were eating dinner and my Dad noticed a large cat pacing along the edge of our deck in the backyard. "A wildcat!" he exclaimed! The cat did look strange with a small bob tail and tufted ears and face. The cat was approximately double the size of a normal house cat and had a tawny brown coat. By the time I got to the window he had hopped off the deck and hid in the bushes in the creek behind our house. Not to be dismayed he returned about an hour later and walked the same path back across our deck heading the other direction!
I'm sorry I don't have any pictures of the cat BUT with a little Googling I learned that we had a Lynx rufus californicus living in the neighborhood. Anyways the cat is not a threat to small children but it certainly got us wondering about our new home.
The weekend continued with a day trip up to Donners Pass (see Summiting in Snow) and a tour around Lake Tahoe. While I won't bore you too much with the details, needless to say it was very good seeing them. I also think Dad and Wilma got a kick out of seeing Zoe!
Here's a few Zoe rockclimbing picts up around Donners Pass. She can climb pretty quick on the granite and soon got out of reach of most all of us!

Getting help from Mom


Topping out excited

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